Rhinos once roamed many places throughout Eurasia and Africa and were known to early Europeans who depicted them in cave paintings. Long ago they were widespread across Africa’s savannas and Asia’s tropical forests. But today very few rhinos survive outside national parks and reserves. Two species of rhino in Asia—Javan and Sumatran—are Critically Endangered. A subspecies of the Javan rhino was declared extinct in Vietnam in 2011.
Going, going, gone
Africa's Rhinos
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In Africa, Southern white rhinos, once thought to be extinct, now thrive in protected sanctuaries and are classified as Near Threatened. But the Northern white rhino subspecies is believed to be extinct in the wild and only a few captive individuals remain in a sanctuary in Kenya. Black rhinos have doubled in number over the past two decades from their low point of 2,480 individuals, but total numbers are still a fraction of the estimated 100,000 that existed in the early part of the 20th century.
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A small population of the Javan rhino still clings for survival on the Indonesian island of Java. Successful conservation efforts have helped the third Asian species, the greater one-horned (or Indian) rhino, to increase in number. Their status was changed from Endangered to Vulnerable, but the species is still poached for its horn.
Dzień 1 / 2 października 2021
17.00 Pałac Działyńskich, Sala Czerwona / Lepos Duo
19.00 Akademia Muzyczna w Poznaniu, Aula Nova / Koncert kameralny Akademii Muzycznej im. Grażyny i Kiejstuta Bacewiczów w Łodzi
21.00 Kościół pw. Świętego Krzyża / Mari Fukumoto
Dzień 2 / 3 października 2021
19:00 Akademia Muzyczna w Poznaniu, Aula Nova / Sepia Ensemble
Dzień 3 / 4 października 2021
17:00 Edge Music Studio / Jan Bałaban skrzypce, Lech Bałaban altówka, Agnieszka Bałaban wiolonczela, Krzysztof Sowiński fortepian
19:00 Pałac Działyńskich, Sala Czerwona / MoniuszkoStringQuartet
Dzień 4 / 5 października 2021
19:00 Akademicki Teatr Muzyczny „Olimpia” / Donat Zamiara kontrabas Damian Sobkowiak kontrabas Grażyna Czerwińska fortepian
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